Blog Archives

William MacLeod Raine’s THE PIRATE OF PANAMA (1913)

Posted in Recently Read on June 1, 2012 @ 2:18 pm

Readers of Blood ‘n’ Thunder are aware that I have a special interest in pulp yarns adapted for Hollywood movies of the silent and early-talkie eras. So you can imagine how eager I was to tackle a recently acquired copy of William MacLeod Raine’s The Pirate of Panama, which was serialized in three January 1914 […]


Upcoming Murania Press Titles

Posted in Murania Press,Upcoming Books on May 31, 2012 @ 10:45 pm

With two new issues of Blood ‘n’ Thunder shipping and this site finally up and running, I’m now working on future additions to the Murania Press product line. This post is by way of a quick preview: With the exception of the first-named, the books described below will debut at this year’s PulpFest, about which […]


A Little More Patience, Please!

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder on May 29, 2012 @ 10:32 pm

I realize you subscribers are waiting with baited breath for the latest issues of Blood ‘n’ Thunder, and I assure you they’ll be arriving soon. My involuntary hiatus might have raised Ned with Murania’s publishing schedule, but it also (perhaps I should say eventually) enabled me to finish this long-delayed site and update my subscriber […]


More Collectibles Added Today

Posted in Collectibles For Sale on @ 9:50 pm

Late this afternoon I posted another 13 sale items to Collectibles, bringing the current total to 21. I hope to add at least several pieces every day for the next week or two, so you should check that page frequently. Please remember that all prices include the cost of shipping, handling, and packing materials. Once […]


Collectibles for Sale

Posted in Collectibles For Sale on May 25, 2012 @ 7:00 pm

When visiting the Murania Press site — something I hope you’ll do often — be sure to check the Collectibles page for new listings. As I write these words, with the site just about to launch, there’s only a handful of items available. But I intend to add many more in the coming days. You’ll […]


Time to Update Your Subscription!

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder on May 24, 2012 @ 8:30 pm

Copies of the two new issues of Blood ‘n’ Thunder (numbers 31/32 and 33) are currently being shipped, so if you’re among our subscribers who are still in arrears, now’s the time to catch up. Besides, you won’t want to miss the upcoming big Tenth Anniversary issue, which debuts at PulpFest this August — and […]


“So, what’s a Murania, anyway?”

Posted in Murania Press on May 23, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

The first book published under the auspices of Murania Press was The Blood ‘n’ Thunder Guide to Collecting Pulps, which came to market in the fall of 2007 (and which, by the way, is being revised and expanded for republication later this year). Since then, I’ve probably been asked a hundred times or more, “What’s […]


At Long Last . . .

Posted in Uncategorized on May 21, 2012 @ 4:12 pm

Well, it’s certainly been a long time coming, but the Murania Press web site is finally here, and I hope you visit frequently. Originally, I planned to discuss and promote my zine Blood ‘n’ Thunder on a Blogspot page cleverly (or so I thought) titled Blog ‘n’ Thunder. I registered the name and created a […]


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