July 2015

Edgar Wallace’s JACK O’ JUDGMENT

Posted in Pulps,Reading Room on July 23, 2015 @ 10:55 pm

The following essay has been adapted from my introduction to Jack o’ Judgment & Captains of Souls: Two Novels by Edgar Wallace, published last year by Stark House in a handsome trade-paperback edition. I’m posting it now because I wanted to update the blog and, frankly, have no time to write something substantive as I’m hard […]


Now THAT’S a Review!

Posted in Murania Press on July 19, 2015 @ 3:18 pm

Don’t believe any author who claims not to pay attention to reviews. He might discount the good ones and ignore the bad ones, but believe me, he pays attention. I’ve been extremely fortunate to receive uniformly favorable notices for my books, most recently the award-nominated Distressed Damsels and Masked Marauders, and previously Filming the West […]


Dime Novels and Nickel Weeklies

Posted in Collectibles For Sale,Dime Novels on July 17, 2015 @ 12:49 am

What do Nick Carter, Buffalo Bill, Deadwood Dick, Frank James, Seth Jones, Bob Brooks, Jack Wright, the Liberty Boys, Young Wild West, Wild Bill Hickok, and Tom Edison Junior have in common? Two things—at least. First, they were all heroes of dime novels and nickel weeklies published during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. […]


R.I.P. Steve Kennedy, 1945-2015

Posted in Conventions,Pulp People on July 4, 2015 @ 4:05 pm

I was just getting ready to enjoy the traditional Independence Day repast of hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad when I made the mistake of logging onto Facebook, where I learned that my friend and fellow pulp enthusiast Steve Kennedy has just passed away at the age of 70. Don’t know any of the details […]


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