EDitorial Comments

A Little More Patience, Please!

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder on May 29, 2012 @ 10:32 pm

I realize you subscribers are waiting with baited breath for the latest issues of Blood ‘n’ Thunder, and I assure you they’ll be arriving soon. My involuntary hiatus might have raised Ned with Murania’s publishing schedule, but it also (perhaps I should say eventually) enabled me to finish this long-delayed site and update my subscriber database, which needed far more revision than I once thought.

Hopefully, the new configuration of said database will prevent individual copies and orders from falling between the cracks, so to speak, as was the case with issues 29 and 30. A well-meaning friend helped me with shipments of those numbers during stretches when I was incapacitated, but she couldn’t make sense of all my records or process all the renewals which came in during that lengthy period.

Copies of each new issue are sent out in batches because there are too many subscribers and wholesale clients for me to service all at once. Therefore, some of you get the latest BnT several weeks after others do. Once upon a time all my subscribers and most of my retail customers received their shipments within ten days to two weeks of publication. Without a staff — or at least a full-time helper — I can’t initially guarantee the same rapidity of service. But I’m convinced the new database will, in the long run, prove easier to manage, so please cut me a little slack until the shipping process returns to well-oiled-machine status. And it will, I promise.

As I always say, running a one-man publishing empire isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But believe me, you’ll find the two most recent issues well worth the wait.

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