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PulpFest 2012 Report

Posted in Conventions,PulpFest on August 17, 2012 @ 5:55 pm

Let me say at the outset that my opinion of the recently concluded PulpFest might be colored by the fact that I was a committee member and therefore saw the convention through different eyes. Having said that, I think the event was quite successful. The last time I checked — early Sunday morning — paid […]


Gone fishing….

Posted in Conventions,Murania Press,PulpFest on August 8, 2012 @ 10:02 pm

  …fishing for old pulp magazines, that is. Once a collector, always a collector. I leave 6 a.m. tomorrow morning for Columbus, Ohio and the fourth annual PulpFest, about which you’ve read much here. If you’re within driving distance of Columbus there’s still time for you to join us, and a gala weekend it promises […]


PulpFest, Here We Come!

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder,Murania Press,PulpFest,Upcoming Books on August 3, 2012 @ 4:52 pm

I haven’t done much blogging lately because I’ve been sweating over the new Murania Press publications that will formally debut at next week’s PulpFest in Columbus, Ohio. Just today UPS delivered my first copies of A. M. Chisholm’s Pirates of the Pines, the third volume in Murania’s Classic Pulp Reprints series. It looks pretty darn […]


Special Murania Press Sale At PulpFest: 20% Off All Books, New And Old!

Posted in Conventions,Murania Press,PulpFest on July 27, 2012 @ 6:19 pm

PulpFest is coming up fast now: The convention begins just two weeks from today. We’ve packed the dealers room — in fact, we’re still getting requests for tables — and registrations are on a par with last year’s record-breaking total. Moreover, if previous years are any guide, our 2012 show will have a sizable number […]


Dark Knight, Meet The Spider.

Posted in Movies,Pulps on July 26, 2012 @ 8:53 pm

This probably deserves a longer post than I have time to write, but I wanted to make the point and see if anybody agrees with me.  So if you want to comment, please do it here (rather than on Facebook) and maybe we can get a good discussion going. This afternoon I saw The Dark […]


Rafael De Soto Pulp-Cover Recreation To Be Auctioned At PulpFest

Posted in Conventions,PulpFest on July 24, 2012 @ 3:04 pm

About a month back, PulpFest 2012 was very proud to announce that at this year’s convention we’d be auctioning the substantial collection of longtime fan and scholar Al Tonik — pulps, paperbacks, hardcovers, dime novels, comic books, fanzines, and, particularly, reference books. One of the last remaining PulpFest members who actually bought rough-paper mags off […]


BLOOD ‘N’ THUNDER’s Upcoming Tenth Anniversary Issue

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder,PulpFest on July 20, 2012 @ 2:19 pm

After returning from Winston-Salem last Sunday, your humble correspondent required several days to recuperate from sleep deprivation and horrendous drives in both directions. But time marches on, or waits for no man, or something like that, so I need to get my butt back into gear — especially because, among other things, I’m moving at […]


Taking a Breather…But PulpFest Looms!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 10, 2012 @ 10:57 pm

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. But I ain’t leavin’ on any jet plane. Nossir, I’m about to drive south to Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the Western Film Fair I mentioned here a few days ago. The show begins tomorrow afternoon and I can’t wait to unveil Blood ‘n’ Thunder’s Cliffhanger Classics […]


The Greatest Adventure Movie. Ever.

Posted in Movies on July 9, 2012 @ 11:44 pm

  I intended today to post an update on a different topic altogether, but I’ve just finished watching — for perhaps the 30th or 40th time — my all-time favorite film, the one that satisfies me most out of the many thousands I’ve seen in 50 years as a true-blue cinephile. It still appeals to […]


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