
Windy City Film Schedule: Saturday

Posted in Conventions,Movies on February 15, 2013 @ 3:34 pm

Below are the films that will run on Saturday. Remember, these screenings are not open to members of the public; you have to be a convention attendee. There’s no separate admission charge. Saturday: 10:00 — Drums of Fu Manchu, Part Two.  The action moves to Asia as Fu Manchu races to beat Nayland Smith and […]


Windy City Film Schedule: Friday

Posted in Conventions,Movies on @ 3:29 pm

As some of you know, I program the films screened every year at the Windy City Pulp and Paper Expo. With 2013’s convention beginning just eight weeks from today, I thought now might be an opportune time to reveal the titles. The Film Room lineup is generally pegged to each show’s theme, and this year’s […]


Murania On The March Once More!

Posted in Blood 'n' Thunder,Movies,Murania Press,PulpFest,Pulps,Serials on December 14, 2012 @ 4:34 pm

I can hardly believe it’s been more than six weeks since I last updated this blog. Hurricane Sandy, which was just about to strike New Jersey when last I posted here, spared my immediate neighborhood but wreaked havoc nearby; we were dealing with power outages, blocked roads, and long lines at gas stations for weeks […]


A. Merritt’s BURN WITCH BURN, MGM’s Film Version, THE DEVIL DOLL

Posted in Movies,Recently Read on September 26, 2012 @ 9:15 pm

I enjoy comparing famous fictional works to films adapted from them. Over the weekend I revisited A. Merritt’s Burn, Witch, Burn! (1932) for the first time in more than 30 years. I finished re-reading it on Monday night, so last night I screened The Devil-Doll, its 1936 movie version, for the first time in nearly […]


Catching My Breath

Posted in Conventions,Movies,Upcoming Books,Western Movies on September 20, 2012 @ 10:31 pm

I’m sorry I haven’t posted here more regularly of late, but it’s been busy around here. Real busy. In recent weeks my time has been monopolized by the latest edition of Lone Pine in the Movies, an annual magazine I produce for the Lone Pine Film Festival. As some of you know, I’ve been an […]


The Shadow Strikes . . . 75 Years Later!

Posted in Movies,Upcoming Books on August 31, 2012 @ 2:41 pm

Seventy-five years ago, Grand National Films — a small Hollywood studio — released The Shadow Strikes, the initial entry in what was intended to be a series of four feature-length films adapted from the pulp-fiction adventures of Walter B. Gibson’s legendary crime fighter. The character had previously appeared in six 20-minute featurettes released by Universal […]


Dark Knight, Meet The Spider.

Posted in Movies,Pulps on July 26, 2012 @ 8:53 pm

This probably deserves a longer post than I have time to write, but I wanted to make the point and see if anybody agrees with me.  So if you want to comment, please do it here (rather than on Facebook) and maybe we can get a good discussion going. This afternoon I saw The Dark […]


The Greatest Adventure Movie. Ever.

Posted in Movies on July 9, 2012 @ 11:44 pm

  I intended today to post an update on a different topic altogether, but I’ve just finished watching — for perhaps the 30th or 40th time — my all-time favorite film, the one that satisfies me most out of the many thousands I’ve seen in 50 years as a true-blue cinephile. It still appeals to […]


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