Forgotten Classics of Pulp Fiction

Meet Hurricane Williams, a seafaring adventurer with a mysterious past and an uncertain future! Awhite man who shuns his own people in favor of Tongan and Samoan natives, he’s the skipper of a speedy schooner known as the terror of the South Seas. Tanned and bearded, with steel-gray eyes and well-muscled frame, he is naturally […]
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The Spook Hills Mystery
What haunts the eerie “Spook Hills” of Idaho? What supernatural force endangers local ranchers? The Sunbeam Ranch, south of the Snake River country, is a cattle outfit operating in close proximity to sheepmen. That’s usually a recipe for disaster, but the usual squabbles over water and grazing land aren’t the biggest problems facing this district. […]
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Fur Pirates
A fortune in stolen furs, secreted in the Canadian Northwest for 20 years, is avidly sought by rival factions! In the wilderness fringing the great Carcajou River, 18-year-old Bob Cory joins recovering invalid Jim Dunleath and a wealthy Eastern sportsman named Fothergill on the quest to uncover $100,000 in stolen pelts cached 20 years before […]
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Yasmini the Incomparable
Introducing pulp fiction’s first great femme fatale—the enduring creation of a master storyteller! Of his most alluring female character—whom he described as having Indian, Russian, and Scandinavian blood—Talbot Mundy wrote: “She is of the East and the West, very terribly endowed with all the charms of either and the brains of both.” This book reprints […]
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Wilderness Trail
The financial stability of a fledgling nation is undermined by ruthless river pirates! In 1810, the still-young United States of America continues its westward expansion as a national economy begins to flourish. But the country’s commerce is seriously disrupted in Kentucky, at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, by daring pirates who strike […]
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Barehanded Castaways
After being shipwrecked, nine average men of varying background and experiences finally reach land. With no tools, no weapons, no supplies—not so much as a penknife or watch-crystal among them—the castaways realize they can endure their isolation only by working as a team and making ingenious use of their limited knowledge. But Nature’s most hostile […]
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The Return of Yorke Norroy
One of pulp fiction’s earliest series characters, whose adventures have been forgotten by all but a few rabid collectors of pre-World War I magazines, returns in the swashbuckling adventure story that his creator probably meant to be his last. To the world at large Yorke Norroy is a fop, a fashion-plate, a wealthy idler, a […]
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The Elixir of Hate
Aging, seriously ill doctor Granville Dennison abandons his life and practice in New York City to sail across the Atlantic on a quixotic quest. Dennison has reason to believe that an Italian physician named Pagani, living with his young niece in an old villa on the French Riviera, may have found the secret to reversing […]
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B. Typhosus Takes a Hand
Waking up in a Pullman car one morning, a man finds that he can’t remember who he is or where he is going. Before long he learns his name is Rodney Hazzard, and his destination is the small Appalachian community of South Tredegar, where he’s apparently a businessman of some importance. Embarrassed by his predicament […]
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